Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stress And Our Home

One of the major causes of STRESS is our multidimensional personality. We are not a monolithic structure. We are not homogeneous. We are our physical body, instincts, emotions, intelligence, perspective, conscience and our soul. We live simultaneously in our house, our village, our town, our province, our country and in the world and also in, past, present, and future; and our imaginary world!

Since all this "living of ours" is interwoven and full of multidirectional and shearing forces, pulls and pushes; we experience STRESS.

This is why, we have all the STRESS, which the other living beings have, which is further added with intricate and complex issues; our STRESS has become a difficult proposition to handle and conquer.

We simultaneously need harmonious functioning of our body, we need fulfillment of our instincts, we need warm and comforting emotional interactions and we need clarity of thoughts from time to time in the form of convincing answers. Since we also have ambitions; we need achievements of creation, mastery, control, and power over nature and others in other forms.

Thus we "feel at home" when we are free of physical discomfort, we feel at home when our thirst is quenched and our hunger is satiated, we feel at home we are satisfied in terms of sexual urge and procreation, we feel at home when we live in our habitat, we feel at home when we get emotional warmth, we feel at home when we are intellectually clear, we feel at home when we are in positions of power and status we envisaged or aimed for ourselves, and we feel at home when we are in our village, town, state, province and our country.

But even after all this we are still incomplete and not fully satisfied.

We do not get the ecstasy merely by well being of body, fulfillment of instincts, by emotional gratification and also after clarification of thousands of questions. We do not get the bliss even after getting fame, money; gaining control over matter and several natural phenomena; and holding sway over people and other fulfillments.

What is it that is missing?

It appears that we suffer from STRESS even after all this because; all these fulfillments are like different components of an engine, which have to be assembled and they are like different organs, which have to together so as to achieve optimal functioning and homeostasis respectively. Taking another analogy; they like the different wires which have to be connected so as to illuminate the room.

In simple words; all our achievements have NOT taken us to the innate abode of ours, the innate home of ours, where we can really "feel at home. Unless we reach and experience the "feeling of being at this home", which is common to all the inhabitants of the universe; we can not conquer the STRESS. However ever as we are on our way to this home we keep getting glimpses of our home and also the pinnacle or ecstasy of bliss "of being at home" in true sense! This home of ours is not only deep within us but is simultaneously present in the deepest core of billions.

This is a glimpse of the richness of the experience of Saint Dnyaneshwar who wrote in Marathi:


(He himself; becomes the entire universe (the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent), whose instincts, emotions and intelligence dissolve in; or get bonded with the aphorism; "this whole universe is my home"!)

Total Stress Management, which begins with the study of meaning, causes, dimensions, effects, mechanisms, and management of STRESS and practice and sharing of Total Stress Management in terms of holistic perspective; policies, plans and programs and actions; ultimately merges in this state of being, through NAMASMARAN, which reminds of "our true self" and "our home"; where we really are victorious over STRESS and feel at home!

In "our home"; we (our self) are independent of everything and yet in bond with the core of everything; simultaneously! Here is the eternal and self generating fountain of ambrosia.

The Author Teaches Yoga.

Options for Cleaning Ceramic Tile

Maintaining ceramic tile has been something that people have agonized over for years, and will likely continue to groan over for many more to come. The thing is that as long as you know what you are doing, the cleaning and maintaining of tiled flooring can be a not so difficult task to embark on. Before diving into the nitty gritty of cleaning tile, it is helpful to know some basic terminology to go along with this project.

Similar to concrete, grout is a grainy substance which comes in either pre-mixed paste or powder form to be mixed with water, which is then inserted between tiles in neat rows to hold it in place. It protects the tile from falling and also prevents water seepage into the wall behind the tiles, stopping molding and mildew from damaging the wall.

Caulk is the rubber-like substance that works as a sealant usually around the edges of a shower, window, door or any other area which requires sealing. Both grout and caulk can come in a myriad of colors to help match the tile used in any project, though more commonly, you will see caulk and grout in varying colors of white or off-white; both are susceptible to mold, mildew, damage and dirt.

Before you begin to clean, it is a good idea to determine just what degree of cleaning will need to take place. If your tile is in an area that is exposed to moisture, humidity or water (like bathrooms, specifically), you run a more serious risk of mildew and mold, which blackens the appearance of tile, grout and caulk, and can also be rather dangerous to walls and for the people living there. Mold and mildew can also be incredibly slick and creates a trouble for traction for those trying to step on it, increasing the chances of slipping and falling. In order to prevent damaging mildew or mold to appear, remember to use quality cleaning products regularly in your cleaning routine that battle water damage and mold, specifically.

Many of the other generalized cleaners that could be used can be found around the house; vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are two prime examples. Cleaning tiles with hydrogen peroxide leaves a streak-free finish and also has the added advantage of being anti-bacterial and kills germs and battles mold. Green cleansers are also very popular for use in poorly ventilated areas, or areas which have contact with children (like bathrooms) since they do not emit any harmful gases that could make the inhabitants ill.

The Writer is a home improvement specialist.

Marketing and Business Network Sites - A Good Way to Connect

Networking with business people is an excellent way to expand your network of connections to help you enhance your business over time. It is the way many marketers get to know more about business and connecting to the right people who can help them.

What you learn from fellow entrepreneurs is invaluable as you will be connecting with people who have already established a business and have a lot to offer newbie's who wish to learn how to start a business and make it successful.

Different network business sites have a variety of features, some are fairly standard some are different. Whether you join up with the well known ones like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bing, or join the new UBERandom Revolution, they all have some things in common:

-To sign up is relatively easy, on most sites you need to key in your basic details, a password and on some a captcha phrase or word to make sure you re not a robot. Click sign-up and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you.
-Your profile is an important part of joining any networking site; it's the window to you that others see. It's the place you can showcase your skills and knowledge. What people read on your profile should make an impression and give them the feeling they want to know more about you. Add a nice photo of you, it make all the difference when reading a profile to know what a person looks like. Usually profiles with pictures get more attention than ones that don't have a picture.
-Blogging has become very popular and most network sites give a member the opportunity to express their views in a blog, interesting content and search able keywords make the blog more accessible to more people. Reading other members blogs also helps you grow your contacts. Blogs are an invaluable tool in networking.
-If you've ever joined a discussion on a forum, you will know how powerful it is as a network tool. People use forums to ask questions and get answers to questions. It's also a place to share knowledge so you can learn a lot on forums.
-Events whether they are cyber or offline are opportunities to meet many new contacts, with people who have similar interests to your own. Here you can exchange business cards for future contact with various people.
-Team events on a site such as UBERandom offer opportunities for people to be mentored by experience marketers. At the same time sharing ideas with the members of the team.

The internet has spawned a host of networking sites, their popularity grows daily, and you can join as many as you feel you can cope with. Connecting with people on different levels from social to business on network sites is a wonderful opportunity to help your business to succeed.

The Author has been a marketer for 15 years.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Choosing an Experienced Home Builder

Whether you are a regular homeowner or an architect ready to design, there may come a point in your life when you need to enlist the help of Maine home builders. There are many general contractors in Portland Maine to choose from, but only a handful of them have the experience it takes to get the job done, as you need it. There are a number of benefits associated with working with a good team of Maine home builders, and this is certainly a step you do not want to skip over. For tips on saving money, times, and stress during a building project you have, consider some of the information below.

Experienced general contractors in Portland Maine are going to know exactly how to address any problems that you throw at them. If you have a unique issue that impacts a new build or remodel you need, you will have to find a company that can adjust to that. At the same time, you will need the Maine home builders to use their experience in the event of an unexpected problem, like finding termite damage in the structure of your home or issues with the foundation that would hurt the integrity of a building. It is thus highly important that you find some Maine home builders to work with who can adapt when they need to.

Good Maine home builders will also be highly familiar with any codes your home will need to abide by so you can pass inspection. This is important because your inspection will determine if you can have a business in the establishment or sell the property if those were your intentions. The codes are also set up for your safety because abiding by them will prevent against fire, flooding, and other damages that could lead to costly repairs. If your general contractor in Portland Maine do not follow the rules, you could be putting yourself in danger.

Working with the right Maine home builders will save you a lot of money in the long run because you will not have to invest in repairs or replacements for the future. As long as the general contractors from Portland Maine use high quality material and do a thorough job installing that, you should end up with a building that is made to last as long as you need it to. Cheap work and materials will only lead to trouble in the future. Do some research into the credentials of the Maine home builders you want to work with and see how well they can help you.

The Author is a home builder

Basic Guidelines For Buying A Used Martin Guitar

If you love music as much as I do, then having your own guitar where you can play real live acoustic music would most likely feel like a breath of fresh air for you. Acquiring a brand spanking new guitar would most probably hurt your pocket, but not if you opt for a used Martin guitar. In this article, I will provide you the basic guidelines on buying your very own musical instrument. So, sit back, relax and start imagining the soothing music of your newly acquired used Martin guitar with these easy to follow guidelines to buying your used Martin guitar.

When buying for a used Martin guitar, simply follow these basic guidelines:

1. Check for defects and scratches on the body of the guitar before buying. A well used guitar looks new despite the occasional use but definitely not looking all worn out. Signs of overuse can definitely affect the music quality of your guitar. So, be sure to check on this prior to closing your deal with the seller.

2. Inquire. It will not hurt if you ask inquisitive questions regarding the quality of the used guitar. Ask how old is the guitar, how often it is used, what are the setbacks of long term use if any, and a whole lot more. Do not hesitate to ask, for in asking you'll know if the used guitar you're eying is indeed worth buying.

3. Compare. Always read reliable author reviews on used guitars to know what best suits your guitar needs. Should this guitar be better than the other? What features are you looking for, having in mind the best listening experience and sound results?

4. Lastly, test your used guitar. Testing the guitar is very essential before deciding if you truly want to buy it. You will know first-hand the quality of music from said guitar. Experience and feel the strings yourself, are they in tune to? Or they need some fine tuning? Or the music emanating from the same guitar is altogether off? These considerations are of paramount importance when looking to buy a used Martin guitar.

Now that you know the guidelines for buying a used guitar effectively and wisely, you can now go out and buy one confidently. But always bear in mind the Latin saying 'caveat emptor,' which simply means 'buyer beware.' Best of luck on hunting your own used Martin guitar today!

The Author owns 10 Martin Guitars

Treatment For Diabetes Begins At Home - Know More About This Fact

Diabetes is one of the most well known degenerative diseases which come along with a number of associated symptoms such as feelings of tiredness, fatigue, unusual weight loss symptoms, severe craving for food and frequent urination. Most of the people around the world are diagnosed with diabetes and the related symptoms. As a result of which people have become more and more health conscious and are adopting several methods of treatment for diabetes begins at home.

People today have become a lot more careful about their eating habits and are taking out time for exercising from their busy schedules. The symptoms associated with diabetes and the effects of high blood sugar on the overall health are some basic information with which almost each and every one of us is armed these days.

However, there are some sections in the society who are yet not aware of the potential risk factors involved in the disease. This is definitely a matter of great concern. Since this has become a very common lifestyle disease, every one should be aware of the symptoms and take necessary precautionary measures to avoid any sorts of risk in the future.

Only with generation of consciousness can treatment for diabetes begins at home. Discussions with friends, colleagues, healthcare professionals will help you to develop better understanding about the disease and the ways in which you can protect yourself from such diseases. You must not ignore your health.

There are some basic principles like eating healthy diets and daily exercises which constitute the key to healthy life. It is the responsibility of the parents to educate their children about the healthy living practices from the very childhood. The healthy habits which children develop since childhood can be practiced even when they are an adult individual. It will not be easy for them to change their diets easily.

There are several instances when even the children today are diagnosed with diabetes at a very early age. Since treatment for diabetes begins at home there are different natural remedies which can be tried out in this case and these include herbal treatment and weight reduction plans. However, this does not mean that medications that are prescribed by doctors shall be discontinued. Along with necessary medications these are some vital natural remedies which must be followed.

"Dealing With Diabetes Report" is an essential, guide that offers several programs and techniques for treatment for diabetes and how to keep diabetes under control.


The Author has suffered from Diabetes for 5 yrs.

Is China's Yuan Intervention Coming To An End?

Currency intervention is a funny thing, particularly in Asia. Plenty of emerging economies maintain some quiet government presence in the markets with rarely a mention, while Japan's sudden defense of the yen was accepted after the initial surprise wore off. Then there is China - an overt currency market presence that gets plenty of press, mounds of criticism, yet rarely changes. With the next round of challenges to the yuan fast-approaching, might Beijing's yuan policy be due for a change?

The most recent shift in China's forex policy came in mid-June, not surprisingly just days before policymakers headed to an international summit where the yuan exchange rate threatened to dominate conversation and shame Beijing's leadership. Those 11th-hour reforms resulted in a six-cent appreciation of the yuan and dampened enthusiasm for anti-China rhetoric, but just as soon as currency talk shifted away from the yuan, the appreciation came to a halt. In August, the currency even weakened, losing four of those six hard-earned cents, and inspiring Washington to come back from its summer recess with more talk of legislative retaliation. Indeed, the yuan appreciated by twelve cents over the next month. In all likelihood this was not a coincidence.

DGC 9.29  1

The current policy environment in Washington, however, suggests that another 'spontaneous' appreciation of the yuan may not mollify legislators. After all, mid-term elections are approaching and US legislators (read: Democrats) are looking to score as many points as possible before the November vote. The House is currently debating legislation that would brand China as a "currency manipulator," and its passage (it currently carries strong bipartisan support) would be the first step toward retaliatory sanctions through the World Trade Organization (WTO). Even though the proposed bill would likely not pass through the Senate until at least November and not be reconciled and signed into law until the next Congress is sworn in, it would begin a possibly irreversible process that could force China into addressing some significant imbalances. And if there is one thing Beijing does not respond well to, it is being pushed around by foreign interests.

Within China, policymakers are already fretting about a real estate bubble that is growing more menacing by the day, confidence figures that are less than assuring, and an export industry ill-prepared to face the challenge of a stronger currency. The last thing it wants to endure is punitive tariffs by the US (with the blessing of the WTO) issued against any industry seen as adversely affected by the artificially low exchange rate. Beijing's arguments against the "currency manipulator" label are fairly simple. First, it insists that the US is using such legislation to remedy a trade imbalance of its own making, and China should not be punished for the excesses of the US. Second, Beijing notes that a 20% appreciation of the yuan (the consensus estimate of the yuan's undervaluation) would trigger a wave of bankruptcies and massive job losses. And then it points to the last few rounds of reforms, insisting it has already addressed the issue.

Through this approach, Beijing is showing its friendlier side, allowing the yuan to appreciate and making plenty of statements through the state media about how further undefined reforms are being implemented. It is likely to keep this up even if the US House passes the bill on to the Senate, waiting for mid-term elections to play out and see what kind of Washington it will face. A victory by those more willing to pursue the "currency manipulator" brand could likely result in a change of tone in Beijing, with public statements shifting toward the downsides of a trade war, possible retaliation and a less-receptive environment for US companies looking to invest in China. It is unlikely that the Chinese government will launch a pre-emptive strike to a possible trade war, but it will make very clear that any actions taken - regardless of the WTO's blessing - will come at a hefty price.

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of The Northern Trust Company. The Northern Trust Company does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information contained herein, such information is subject to change and is not intended to influence your investment decisions.

The Author is a Journalist

Prescott group honors former tribal leader Viola Jimulla

She was the leader of the Yavapai-Prescott Tribe for decades in the mid-20th century and reportedly the first woman to take on the role of chieftess of a tribe in the American West.

Viola Jimulla also was a force in the community – partnering with prominent residents such as Grace Sparkes, Sharlot Hall and Barry Goldwater – and taking a leadership role in the local Presbyterian Church.

But some Prescott officials felt few people remembered Jimulla and her contributions to Prescott, and they decided to do something about it.

During September, a mural of Jimulla was dedicated at the Rowie P. Simmons Community Center. She’s now the namesake for the Prescott Meals on Wheels’ dining room.

Several large photos of Jimulla are displayed along with her master basket-weaving as well as a brief written history of her life.

“We wanted a name that was historic in the community, so I researched the tribe,” Meals on Wheels board member Judy Riggenbach said. “The board felt, as I did, that she is such an important figure in Prescott’s history and so unknown that it would be an honor for us to honor her.”

Board member Bob Painter said Jimulla’s commitment to helping the community parallels the Meals on Wheels organization’s own goals of helping homebound seniors.

“She was a great asset to her people and a great asset to Prescott,” Painter said.

Jimulla, who was born on the San Carlos Indian Reservation in 1878, later moved with her family back to their homeland in the Prescott area.

Her husband, Sam Jimulla, was chief of the tribe but died in an accident in 1940. Viola Jimulla then served as chieftess until her death in 1966. Three of her five daughters died before she did, all at relatively young ages.

Darlene Ogo said Jimulla was her grandmother and raised her after her own mother died when she was 5.

Another granddaughter, Ruth Welsh, said Jimulla was there when she was born.

“My grandmother delivered me. She was my doctor,” Welsh said.

Welsh, Ogo and other relatives attended the dedication ceremony for Jimulla. Ogo recalled a woman who quietly advised and guided fellow tribal members.

“She had so many obstacles, but she opened the way for a bunch of us – all of us, really,” Ogo said. “She did lead us in the right direction,” Ogo said. “She helped pave the way to where we’re living now.”

The Author is a Journalist

Tropical Storm Nicole fizzling; rains tapering off this evening

Nicole, we hardly knew ye.

What was a wave out in the Caribbean for a few days, became Tropical Depression 16 on Tuesday morning, grew to Tropical Storm Nicole late this morning and is falling apart over the Florida Straits.

Even as they named it, National Hurricane Center forecasters said the worst of it would stay at sea and pose no threat to Florida, and dropped all storm watches and warnings.

As of the center's 5 p.m. advisory, Nicole had degenerated into an elongated area of low pressure. It is expected to be swallowed by an extratropical low and move up the East Coast.

At 5 p.m., the center was about about 165 miles west of Nassau. It was moving north-northeast at 12 mph and was expected to speed up in the next 24 hours and aim more to the northeast, taking it farther from the Florida coast.

Tropical storm force winds extend 345 miles, but they are southeast, away from Florida.

Top sustained winds were near 40 mph and little strengthening was expected before Nicole met its end some time tonight or Thursday, replaced by a refreshing batch of drier air and sunny skies.

Rainfall totals, which were dramatic overnight and this morning, appeared to be tapering off by the afternoon, but forecasters warned they could continue into the late afternoon and evening, which means motorists who had to drive through it this morning could get to see it again.

Only the Fort Lauderdale and Miami urban areas are still under a flood watch until 8 tonight. Increasing northeasterly winds are expected to cause rip currents along Atlantic Coast beaches this weekend and into next week.

Nicole, then still Tropical Depression 16, especially pounded the Jupiter-Hobe Sound and Boca Raton areas overnight and early this morning. National Weather Service radar estimated 4 inches of rainfall over the Jupiter area, about 6 inches over Hobe Sound, and more than 5 inches over the Boca Raton area since midnight.

By mid-morning, the heaviest rains appeared to be over West Palm Beach and Boynton Beach.

The weather service reported 2.83 inches fell at Palm Beach International Airport between midnight and 2 p.m. today - nearly an inch of that from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. alone.

And a South Florida Water Management District gauge recorded an inch falling over Boynton Beach just between 8 and 10 a.m., and 1-1/2 inches at West Palm Beach's Forest Hill High School between 8 and 11 a.m.

The storm's effects weren't enough to close down schools in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast, and officials reported no major problems with kids getting to schools this morning.

South Florida Water Management District officials report no flooding and said the district's a complex maze of canals, gates, pump stations, levees and culverts is having no problems in controlling water.

Meteorologists also are watching two tropical systems out in the central Atlantic. Neither has a chance of forming any time soon.

Long-range global models suggest a large and broad area of low pressure will continue to sit over the northwest Caribbean through the next two weeks, and it could spawn more tropical systems that could threaten South Florida, forecasters said.

The Author is a Journalist

Tea Party Has Elites on the Run

Not long after the tea party sprang into being in the spring of 2009, America's elites started vilifying the movement. In an article worthy of a class-action libel suit, The New York Review of Books depicted the tea party's first march on Washington as a parade of bigots.

Ex-president Jimmy Carter spit venom at tea partiers by saying they resented an African-American president -- a baseless charge of racism willingly echoed by the media.

When they weren't being defamed as racists, tea party supporters were described as irrational, enraged, seething, and livid. Constituents at town hall meetings who rejected the superficial Democratic Party talking points and demanded answers instead of political spin were portrayed as mobs on the verge of riot. At the very time that real Muslim terrorists were planning a record number of attacks inside the U.S. right under their noses, political apparatchiks in the Department of Homeland Security warned ominously of imaginary right-wing violence as the nation's newest terrorist threat.

When the elites weren't depicting their fellow Americans as out-of-control racists and anti-government zealots, they tried to downplay their social and political importance. They did so with a demographic attempt at marginalization; the tea partiers, they said, were too old, too white, too middle class to matter in contemporary America, and thus could be safely ignored.

This liberal critique of the tea partiers -- a dangerous mob, but of marginal importance in post-racial America -- is a curious paradox. Why fear and loathe a movement said to be narrow in its views and scope?

The answer was given to us in a remarkably prescient book, Christopher Lasch's "The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy," posthumously published in 1995. The noted historian, whose intellectual journey carried him from the left in the '60s to the populist right by the '90s, would have been giddy over the tea party.

Lasch believed the only hope for American democracy lay in a revival of the middle class, particularly what were once known as middle-class virtues. The book title is an explicit ironic commentary on Jose Ortega y Gasset's 1932 (first English translation) classic: "The Revolt of the Masses."

Ortega famously argued that a materialistic mass population had no self-restraint, only takes from its civilization -- in contrast to the elites who still sacrificed for the greater good. Lasch's point -- and mine -- is that roles are now reversed. It is the elites who are the materialists and the tea party/middle-class American who is prepared to sacrifice for our grandchildren's freedom and prosperity.

The very idea of virtue, and other absolutes, has fallen into disfavor with the elites.

The Author is a Journalist

Bishop Long Attempted to Drop Burglary Charges Against Accuser

A Georgia district attorney will continue with the burglary case against a man who has accused Bishop Eddie Long of coercing him into a sexual relationship, despite the pastor's wishes to drop the charges, according to a report.

Maurice Robinson, one of the four men who filed lawsuits against Bishop Long in the past week, was arrested along with another man in June for allegedly breaking into Long's office and stealing an iPod, jewelry and an iPad, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

According to the paper, Bishop Long apparently visited former District Attorney Gwen Keyes-Fleming last month to request that she drop the burglary charges, said Chief Assistant District Attorney Don Geary.

Keyes-Fleming, who recently stepped down from her position, denied the pastor's request and Geary has all intentions of proceeding with the case.

"The file is still open and we have no intent to drop the charges," Geary told the newspaper.

B.J. Bernstein, Robinson's attorney, said the 20-year-old committed the break-in out of "retaliation" after he learned that the pastor was allegedly involved with another man, states the paper

Prosecutors are now looking into reports that 21-year-old Anthony Flagg, who also filed a lawsuit against Bishop Long, was present when the burglary occurred, according to the paper. Flagg has not been charged.

Bishop Long addressed his 25,000-member congregation for the first time Sunday regarding the sexual allegations saying, "I have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man. But I am not the man that's being portrayed on the television. That's not me." he said.

Four lawsuits were filed against the outspoken pastor claiming that he misused his spiritual authority by seducing the young men with lavish gifts such as cars, money, clothes, international trips, jewelry and access to celebrities when they were teenage members of his congregation.

One of the lawsuits alleges breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, fraud, and infliction of emotional distress, among other things.

Long's attorney, Craig Gillen says he "categorically denies the allegations."

Long became one of the country's most powerful independent church leaders over the last 20 years, turning a suburban Atlanta congregation of 150 to a 25,000-member powerhouse with a $50 million cathedral and a roster of parishioners that includes athletes, entertainers and politicians.

The Author is a journalist

5 Examples Where You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer is crucial if you have a serious personal injury claim. Don't overlook the value an experienced lawyer can give your case. When can you do without a lawyer? Only if your injury does not result in a claim. If you slip on some ice and get a minor sprain, you likely would not sue, just as you would not for most minor injuries. There is a big difference, however, if you have a severe injury and if the injury is long-term. These are examples of cases where you should hire a personal injury lawyer. Let's go over these in more detail.

Long-Term Injury Claims 

If you cannot walk for six months because of an injury, that is a long-term injury and you definitely need an experienced personal injury lawyer. If, on the other hand, you are incapable of walking for the rest of your life, this is another example where legal help is needed. It all depends on the seriousness of the injury and its long term effects.

Major Injuries 

If you have a severe injury, you have a right to a claim. Say for example you are hit while parked on the street, and suffer both mental and physical problems. The more severe your injury caused the the accident, the more compensation you deserve. What is needed is to prove the fault of the other person or entity and to get a value of the claim. You won't know how much you can really get without an experienced lawyer.

Medical Mistakes 

You put trust in a hospital, doctor, and nursing staff when you enter to get help. If they make critical mistakes, this is called medical malpractice and deserves compensation. In order to prove fault, you need to understand how the mistakes were made. If it can be proven through unprofessional mistakes - mistakes a competent person would not have made - you deserve compensation. Without a lawyer, you have no real chance of winning, because by nature medical mistakes are quite complicated. A lawyer experienced in medical malpractice is essential.

The Insurance Offer (Or Lack of Offer) 

Finally, most personal injury lawsuits end before a court battle. You will likely get a settlement offer, sometimes before you even hire a lawyer and file the lawsuit. This saves the insurer money, but what also saves them money is giving a low initial offer in the hopes you will take it. While this doesn't always occur, it's common for them to make an offer and you to make a counter offer. On the other hand, they may refuse to pay anything. If they do not make an offer, you will have to go to court. In court, a professional lawyer is essential.

Hiring a personal injury lawyer is not a process to be rushed. If you're patient, if you choose to go with experience, and if you make your case, you will be properly compensated for your injury.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


You don't prefer it, I don't like it. Hell, I loathe it. But the simple fact of the matter is, the Packers beat themselves Monday night.

The Packers seemed great on Monday night.The Bears looked terrible on both sides of the ball.

Aaron Rodgers had over 316 yards. And despite the Packers' horrendous run game, they gained over 379 entire yards.

Rodgers wasn't even sacked the complete game, despite the add-on of Julius Peppers.

Their defense held the Mike Martz-revolutionized Cutler to 221 passing yards, three sacks, and a completion percentage of 59.

The Packers did let up a few rushing yards, but most of them were from Cutler.

So how in the world could the Packers have sacrificed this game?


The Pass Rush

The Packers did a wonderful job rushing the passer, no question. Cutler was sacked three times Monday night.

But there were quite a few plays where, if even half a second was left, Cutler would have simply been sacked six times and would have built up much less than 150 yards or so.

Such as when Cutler passed to Knox on the 44-yard line with less than two minutes before the half, which lead to a Greg Olsen Touchdown.


Mike McCarthy

McCarthy has pissed off Packer fans a lot in the past, but at least we can't say he actually cost us a game. Until possibly now.

First, he opted to use James Jones, in which I thought was a little excessive. I thought Jennings should have been in his spot far more often than that, long before Jones even fumbled the ball.

Second, he questioned (don't you just love it when Mike throws the red cloth?) the fumble that James Jones committed with only two minutes left in the game.

Yes, it was tempting to believe that that it had shifted out of bounds, but the instant replay clearly showed it had not. While it was pointless to not challenge before the two-minute warning, McCarthy still cost us a precious time-out.

The third one, and I honestly have been trying to see the logic regarding this, is why in the world didn't he just let the Bears score the touchdown in the closing two minutes.

Yes, scoring seven or maybe eight points in the final two minutes on the road is problematic. But do you honestly think it would be far better to let the clock run out with one of the best special team units in the NFL in close field-goal range?


The Penalties

Anyone with half a brain would tell you that the Green Bay Packers lost because of one simple reason. They simply played too rough, and the refs got to make plenty of money.

And these weren't just yard-costing penalty charges—they were the kind that happened at the worst time.

Mark Tauscher was called for holding when Finley made a touchdown. Crosby then tried a field goal, but was obstructed by Peppers. That would have probably won them the game.

Chillar clearly got an interception on Cutler at 6:40 in the fourth quarter, but Zombo head-butted Cutler.

Nick Collins kept his hand on Matt Forte and brought him down, giving Chicago another important 15 yards, which eventually lead to another crucial field goal.

With only a 1:45 to play, Matthews barely missed Cutler which landed in the hands of Nick Collins. Burnett, regretably, was called for pass interference. Which paved the way for Chicago's final field goal, which won the game.

Hell, Aaron Rodgers even joined in on the fun by throwing the ball away when he was in the pocket.

Cutler's five interceptions were reduced to one simply because the Packers just had to get too rough.

If that's not enough, you should know that this has been the most penalties the Packers have committed in over 50 years.


Bottom line

I said all along that the Packers could lose this game, but not like this. I would have thought the Bears played their hearts out. Instead, they just observed the Packers self-destruct.

The Packers very seriously need to learn how to manage all their young, talented players and all their disorderly hormones. If they can do that, and get a decent running back (Jackson only had 12 yards), the Packers will definitely win, even in situations like this, from now on.

Look, folks, it's hard to see light in such a dark hour, but it's really not time to hit the panic button quite yet.

The Bears did not play well tonight at all. They let Rodgers have the ball all day long, and they only scored 20 points. And most of that was because the Packers let up so many penalties.

I highly doubt they can beat both the Panthers and Giants while on the road.

The Packers will face the Lions next week, and then on the road against Washington. Giving us a serious edge in reclaiming first place in the North within only a few weeks.

And with all due respect to you Mr. Ted Thompson, get your head out of your ass, and get an actual running back!


The author is an avid Cheesehead and sells Green Bay Packers Football Tickets and offers Green Bay Packers Fan Tours

Monday, September 27, 2010

Learn French Songs to Speed Comprehension

If you need to learn French fast, songs are a useful tool. Whether they're part of a larger language program or not, they can be very helpful in learning common phrases. They also help you to learn to put words together in the right order. English and French differ significantly in how this is done. Through song, you have a way to learn these important concepts and a way to provide an easy form of recall for everything you do pick up. When speed is an issue, this can also take a lot of stress out of the affair.

If you want to pick up French in a hurry, memorization is generally not the way to go. Long lists of words and conjugation exercises with verbs do have their place, but they're not a good way to learn fast. Most people can simply listen and learn French and enjoy much faster results. This is because listening challenges you to understand what's being said without giving you time to translate every single word in your mind. This is actually a very important step toward fluency. Fluent speakers do not translate words in their mind; they simply understand their second language instinctively.

Anyone can develop this type of fluency if they use the right techniques. The vast majority of the occasions you use your French skills will likely involve speaking, not writing. Speaking is also a bit more difficult, as you have to learn new ways of using your mouth to voice words and your ears have to become sensitive to new sounds. You learn French fast when you simply dive in wholeheartedly and rely on minimal translation to help you understand. Songs, because they are expressive and sometimes poetic, can convey a lot of meaning in few words, making them useful for understanding new languages.

If you want to learn in the French classroom fashion, with rote exercises, you'll probably find yourself putting in a lot of effort before you see any reward. Listening to songs and learning to sing them is actually entertaining, which makes it easier to learn. When you're enjoying something, it's much easier to learn from it. Remember that language learning never has to be a tedious affair. With the right materials, it can be a lot of fun and you can become fluent much more quickly than you likely believe.

Dr. Dennis Dunham has over 25 years in international education experience and is a co-creator of, a website designed to help you learn French the right way. If you've tried every language product out there and haven't made progress, visit to see how learning French can be easy and fun.

Photography Specialties

There are quite a few Americans who believe photography is all just about taking photos; however, there are so many specialties one can get into if they go to school for photography. First, numerous schools exist for those who want to focus on just one type of photography. For example, a photographer can specialize in taking just senior pictures. Below you will find a brief list of some of the different types of photography and what kinds of jobs you can have in each field:

1. Wedding/special event photography can be a very rewarding career. Many professionals in the field revel in having the ability to capture their clients' happy memories on camera. Most photographers in this specialty start off at a small studio, then move on and open their own studio. Owning your own studio can be a lot of work, so some people prefer to go into a partnership with one other colleague to share the costs and responsibilities of owning a studio.

2. Graduation photographs, which may or may not be separate from wedding and special events. Some photography studios are just dedicated to taking graduation photos all year-long. Taking pictures of high school seniors has become more and more popular. Many studios offer personalized service for their clients. For example, they will shoot a variety of images whether it is indoors or outdoors for each outfit the client brings to the studio. A high school student can wear jeans and a top for an outdoor picture and wear a dressy outfit for an indoor shoot.

3. Photographing nature can also be a very rewarding career. The first career choice that comes to mind is shooting photos for National Geographic, which would be a really fun thing to do all the time. A lot of travel is involved in shooting nature photos for any kind of magazine or periodical. Nature can include living animals in their natural habitat and non-living things in their natural habitat. With this track, you would usually be working for a magazine and you would travel with a journalist to whatever site is chosen for the article.

4. Finally, another popular direction for photographers is to shoot models for magazines and/or fashion shows. This is a very difficult field to get into because it is seen as the most glamorous. Many people would love to be involved in photo shoots with models and celebrities for one of the more popular magazines, but there are a limited number of jobs in that type of industry.

Contrary to popular belief, there are so many directions one can take their photography careers in once they are finished with all the schooling. Which you decide will depend on how you want to spend the rest of your career. If you want to settle down, stay in one place and have a family then maybe starting your own studio would be best for you and doing special events might be good for you. If you want to travel a lot and maybe not settle down anywhere in particular, then maybe the nature photography track would be best, since photography for any type of nature magazine usually requires a lot of travel.

Various Causes Of The Economic Collapse In The US

The United States economy took a major hit on September 12, 2001. Many stocks crashed and consumers lost faith in various industries. Since September of 2001, a variety of industries in the United States have been hit very hard. One of the first industries to begin laying-off workers was the airline industry, which began in late 2001, early 2002. Following the airline industry into a downward spiral were the financial (including banking), automobile, housing (including real estate), and most recently lawyers. According to a bankruptcy attorney, there are fewer people in the "Lone Star" state who have to file because the state is doing pretty well in terms of keeping jobs, since it is home to many industries that have not have been hit as hard as others. In fact, bankruptcy is relatively low compared to a majority of other cities throughout the nation. Below, we will take a look at the major catalyst for the decline in these markets and how it has affected the American people.

1. The airline industry was, of course, directly affected by the events of September 11, 2001. A majority of Americans did not want to fly anymore and they lost confidence in the airline industry itself and its ability to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. Most airlines had major layoffs beginning in late 2001 and early 2002. There was also a pilot strike in the 2000s, which left the industry almost broken. However, even though the airline industry is still not what it was before September 11, it is moving forward towards some type of recovery.

2. The financial industry started to go downhill after the Enron Corporation was exposed for fraud and deceiving its' stockholders. Again, consumers lost faith in their investments and companies that were doing the investing. Since Enron, other major financial companies have faced similar charges of deception and fraud.

3. Because many people have either lost their jobs or cannot find jobs to begin with, the housing market has taken a hit. The housing market is very complex in the sense that not only are people unable to buy homes because they have less money, but also the banks made bad investments in people by giving out loans to people who could not afford to pay their mortgages once the economy took a turn for the worse. Now, to recover some of the money they lost, banks are no longer lending as much and therefore are limiting the amount of money they loan to consumers for homes.

4. More recently, the automobile industry has struggled partially because of major product recalls and partially because they had to accept tax payer money in the form of a "bailout." Of course, consumer confidence in the automobile industry has decreased dramatically because of the recalls and because consumers watched as more and more companies came forward for bailout money.

5. Currently, lawyers have either lost their jobs and many recent graduates are also unable to find positions. Because thousands of college graduates are unable to find jobs, they are staying in school to earn a graduate degree. Now, there is a surplus of lawyers and not enough jobs to go around. This will be a problem for decades as the number of people who are attending law school is increasing, while the amount of jobs available are either staying the same or decreasing.

If the above information can tell us anything, it is that when consumers lose faith in an industry, the company should brace for hard times. Consumers are what drive all industries and when consumers and investors lose confidence in any given company, there will be severe consequences. In order to start solving the problems of many of these industries, companies must attempt to gain consumer trust and confidence in order to move forward.

Fitness Retreats - Making Right Choices For All The Right Reasons

Fitness retreats are becoming more and more popular than ever and not just for the privileged few. The word "retreat" describes the purpose. To retreat from your usual surroundings, responsibilities, and concerns to get away from the distractions that keep you on that proverbial treadmill in life.

When you get away from it all, you are able to put your life and health priorities in proper perspective. You are able to get outside of your usual environment to review where you are going and where you have been. A fitness retreat is a great way to rededicate oneself to health management. If you need to lose weight, a retreat will help you to get on track recognizing the things you need to adopt into your daily lifestyle.

However, that seems to be the problem with many retreats. Participants look at the retreat as a time to catch up or store up what they have been neglecting to do. Instead, a retreat should be time to add focus and maintain diligence upon returning home.

Fitness retreats can work either way. Some are structured in such a way that they cannot possibly be duplicated on your own at home. An effective retreat setting must simulate a real life environment, which can translate later into your home life routine.

For example, if you attend a retreat where a nutrition chef prepares and serves your food to you then that does not translate into your home life. However, if you engage in cooking lessons then you have something to take home with you that can become a part of your life. New routines can develop from a few building blocks with exercise and nutrition.

When choosing a fitness retreat, make sure that the fun factor is extremely high. Make sure that the activities and outings planned sound exciting to you so that you enjoy the anticipation as well as the trip itself. Places where you can be near the water or the mountains usually are ideal places to go for retreats.

A favorite destination resort where you can find water, mountains, and major tourist attractions would be Las Vegas. Hiking around Lake Mead and Hoover Dam, plus trekking the world famous Las Vegas strip, offers plenty of opportunity both indoors and outdoors.

Should cost be a determining factor, then you may want to consider that your accommodations will vary the price. Find out if you will be put up in dormitory type housing or if you are actually paying for your own beachfront condo. The least expensive option without giving up all personal privacy, would be a bed and breakfast type residence where fitness is the theme. I currently know of only one fitness retreat advertised on the Internet where you are actually charged for the services only. The accommodations are pretty much "on the house" when you factor in the cost of personal training, food, and outings.

Too much privacy can be a problem when you are housed in a separate facility, condos, or apartments. I once attended a week long retreat where we stayed in shared townhouses. Many of the participants "defected" during personal break times to leave the property and forage for fast food and drink. That pretty much defeats the purpose of the retreat if discipline and accountability are what you are paying for.

When shopping for fitness retreats, compare costs, accommodations, locations, and services. Then make an appointment either by phone or in person and have a list of questions you want to ask. Most busy retreat operators will appreciate a prospective client who has done the homework of at least reviewing the frequently asked questions on the website FAQ page. That way, they will take you seriously and give your call proper consideration. Good luck in making the right choice and no matter where you go for your fitness retreat, make sure that you have fun.

For A Wider Variety Of Tattoo Designs

If you are the type of person who is so passionate about getting a tattoo inked on your body, by all means, do so. After all, it is a form of self-expression that you should not curtail. Otherwise, you might just feel like there is always something missing within you. Visit your preferred tattoo website for a wide selection of designs. You will find them arranged by classification thereby making choosing for the perfect tattoo layout much easier, simpler and faster for tattoo enthusiasts like you.

Check out the reviews about the various tattoo websites that you may look into in the Web such as the fast becoming popular Tattoo Me Now. You might be surprised to find out how many of them are available online to satisfy every tattoo aficionado's desires to browse through a gallery of tattoo blueprints. But then before finally decide on one design that you will download and print for your local tattoo artist to ink on you, make it a point that you have also considered how it will look in you.

It is very important that you also make sure that you consider how your personality and character will be immersed and impressed in such design. That way, when you finally choose the one you like, you can be certain that it will not look off on you.

Also, since there is a wide assortment of tattoo designs to choose from, it would be very good if you could make a shortlist of your favorite tattoos, then you can choose which one will suit you best. After which you can also customize it so that it will become an original tattoo layout. That way, you will not need worry about sitting next to someone having exactly the same kind of tattoo as yours.

What is more, do take note that the Tattoo Me Now website is more than just a gallery where you can browse through a thousand of tattoo designs. As a matter of fact, you can even bookmark your much loved and most wanted tattoo designs and mix it together with the next one you like. That way, you are able to make your own original and funky tattoo design which is a product of your own creativity and imagination. This is not available in the other usual tattoo websites which makes Tattoo Me Now even more unique.

Great Tenants - Find And Keep Them

Great Tenants are not hard to find if you know what to do. The biggest mistake we as landlords make when looking to fill a vacancy is allowing our gut feelings make the decision for us.

The process begins the minute we advertise. Once that phone starts ringing you should have a list next to your phone with your qualifications and questions that you're going to ask your prospect to verify if they even meet your criteria. This will save you a lot of time and headache. Why would you set up an appointment only to find out latter that your prospect does not afford the rent or they have pets and you do not allow pets.

The second step is to show your property. Set a day and time and have all your prospects show up at once, this will create more urgency for those that are interested in the property by them knowing that if they want the property and don't act quick they will lose out to one of the other applicants. The best day and time I found to work best is Sundays at about 1:00PM.

Once you've made your pick you are going to collect all of their information, making sure that every single document is the original and not a copy. Why not accept copies? you might ask, well, let me explain. With the internet and all the technology we have at our fingertips today, anyone can come up with a false document in seconds, I have seen this happen too often. Great Tenants will have no problem providing you with all the information you need.

Ok, now you have all of their information. You are now going to verify, verify and verify some more. Run a criminal, credit and eviction report. If you try to save a buck here it can cost you thousands of dollars down the road. This is where a lot of Landlords drop the ball.

Every minute of your time spent verifying the information given to you will pay for itself ten fold and you will be glad you did too.

These are just a few tips on finding great tenants. Follow this advise, and your business will prosper tremendously.

Author: Orlando Lebron

Helping Landlords and Landladies become more successful in their business through education. Get more tips on Great Tenants and how to find them at:

The Herbal Remedies Hidden in Your Spice Cabinet

Most people don't realize the incredible therapeutic (healing) qualities of herbs. That's a shame because their therapeutic benefits can enhance our lives and benefit our health fairly dramatically. This lack of knowledge and understanding makes herbs an underutilized -- and under-appreciated -- resource that most of us have literally at our finger tips, hiding in our spice cabinets.

The fact is, many if not most of our culinary herbs also have medicinal qualities. Here are just a few you may want to explore.

Savory seed herbs such as anise, cumin, fennel, fenugreek and caraway are known as "carminatives," which means they help normalize the digestive system and peristalsis to prevent, eliminate or relieve gas. These particular herbs are also anti-spasmodic, which means they help muscles that are spasm-ing, or cramping to relax. So, if someone is suffering from a stomach virus, for example, brewing up an herbal tea of several of these seed herbs, and a touch of honey, would help stop the stomach spasms as well as cut down on any gas. (Note: While other anti-spasmodic herbs are usually used instead, those same antispasmodic culinary herbs could be used for muscle spasms elsewhere, say from PMS, or leg cramps.)

Other herbs such as peppermint, licorice, cinnamon, ginger or thyme could be added to the brew both for the their own carminative effects, as well as to enhance the flavor. (And don't forget that honey!)

Peppermint, in fact, is a wonderful alternative to popular antacids. Anytime you find yourself lamenting, "Oh, I ate too much," or feel bloated and uncomfortable as a result of what you've eaten, peppermint can calm all that down in 20-30 minutes. Some people keep a bottle of therapeutic-grade peppermint essential oil on hand and just dot a drop or two on their abdomens when needed. Or they keep peppermint tea from the grocery on hand -- Celestial Seasonings is a popular brand -- and brew up some herbal tea, or an "infusion" in herbspeak. (If you use antacids daily, this is not your best choice, although there are herbs and dietary changes that can help.)

Ginger is excellent to have on hand for another reason. In addition to its carminative effects, it's useful for nausea, whether from morning sickness, motion sickness, stomach flu, etc. It's available in so many forms you can have it with you anywhere -- dried (in spice jars in your grocery), fresh root (in some markets), fresh finely chopped ginger in jars (refrigerated section of your market), crystallized or candied ginger (usually available around Christmas in most groceries, but any time of the year from spice merchants and others online), and even ginger ale (canned as a beverage), though it's important in the latter case to make sure real ginger is being used, not ginger flavor. So it's possible to have ginger both at home and when you travel.

Cayenne is such an extremely valuable though surprising herb that most people should make an effort to cook with it more. It's helpful for the heart and the entire circulatory system, and helps normalize blood pressure (though it will unlikely perform these therapeutic activities at recipe doses), and it's also an anti-inflammatory. That means it will help reduce inflammation internally (always a good thing because our S.A.D. - Standard American Diet - causes so much internal inflammation). But it's good to use externally as well. Here are two important uses.

First, you can make a liniment to apply externally to bruises and sprains and any pains you have (pain = inflammation). If applied soon enough after the bump or trauma, you can prevent the bruise or sprain, or at least seriously lesson it.

It's easy to make, too: Buy a glass (not plastic) bottle of organic apple cider vinegar. I'd suggest buying a quart and using it all, but you can make less if you like. Pour the vinegar into a non-reactive (glass or stainless steel) pan, and for a quart of liniment, add a rounded tablespoon of dried, powdered cayenne (from the grocery spice department). Bring to a boil, cover and simmer gently for 20-30 minutes. You can then either leave the cayenne in the linament, or filter your new herbal remedy through a coffee filter or multiple layers of cheese cloth. Rebottle and label clearly (IMPORTANT!). This will keep nearly forever, and any time you've got a bruise or sprain happening, or other pain -- arthritis, for example -- give the liniment a try. Obviously, you will not want to use this on broken skin!!

To use, rub on the traumatized area with your hands. Or moisten a sterile gauze pad or natural fiber cloth and leave on the site a few minutes -- but only until the skin underneath starts to warm and approaches the uncomfortable stage. That's an indication that the liniment is bringing blood to the surface, exactly what helps heal.

The second external use is going to surprise and maybe shock you. Since cayenne is a hemostat, meaning it stops bleeding, you can apply it to cuts. Yes, it smarts -- butonly for a second and then the pain goes away faster than otherwise would, and the cut also seems to heal more quickly. Try it yourself on a paper cut, after reminding yourself that they often hurt for days, and see how quickly the paper cut stops hurting and actually heals. Or apply to a small kitchen cut. If it doesn't stop the bleeding immediately, reapply a time or two.

As a matter of educational interest, cayenne also stops internal bleeding, and can be given in case of shock (a bit of cayenne in a glass of water). Obviously, these are extremely serious conditions requiring immediate medical attention, but in true life-threatening emergencies, they might help save a life until medical help arrives.

A final remedy that you'll want to have handy in the kitchen but is not itself usually considered a kitchen spice is therapeutic grade lavender essential oil. It performs better for most people than aloe vera or ice cubes or any other "home remedy" for minor kitchen (or workshop) burns. An immediate drop -- that's all it takes -- on the site usually stops the pain in under a minute, and also usually prevents blisters. Slightly worse kitchen burns might require a second application in a few minutes. Try it -- again, with a high quality therapeutic, not health food store, essential oil -- and you'll never be without again.

There are so many more ways herbs can help, so many more things to learn and know about their use. Perhaps this will spark your interest.

These are just a few of the "herbal cures" and rememdies Patricia has used over the last 25-plus years to keep herself and her family healthy with minimum trips to the doctor and minimum use of harsh pharmaceuticals. She recently completed a report outlining the exact remedies and step-by-step procedure she uses to eliminate any cold within 12 hours or less of first symptoms or greatly reduce the recovery time for more established colds. Patricia herself hasn't had but one full-blown cold in over 10 years using these methods. The report is available free (for a limited time) on her website:

How To Handle Pests And Other Unwanted Critters

Living in a rental property can be somewhat challenging, especially when it comes to maintenance repairs. In areas such as the Midwest region of the country, a Northern Kentucky termite or a Cincinnati termite can cause a variety of problems to the tenants and the landlords. Usually, the landlord will state in the lease what he/she is willing to take responsibility for. State law may also dictate what is the landlord's responsibility and what is the tenant's responsibility in terms of maintenance. Most states dictate that landlords are supposed to keep the property up so as to maintain a good living condition for the tenant. Some states are stricter about this type of law than others. This article outlines some tips for keeping critters away.

1. For mice, it is important to always keep a clean house. Now, just because a home or apartment is clean does not mean that mice will leave you alone. They only want to find a nice, warm place to sleep. One thing that should keep them away, though, is the smell of peppermint. Peppermint oils, sprays, and candles should make them turn around in another direction if they get a whiff of it. If you do find a mouse in your apartment or rental home, it is a good idea to call maintenance or the landlord to have an exterminator set up traps. Unfortunately, mice reproduce early and often, so if there is one mouse there are probably more either on the way or already there. It is important to take care of this issue quickly because they do reproduce often.

2. Cockroaches are usually found in the Southern parts of the United States; however, they are everywhere. As with the mice, it is a good idea to go ahead and call an exterminator. Cockroaches can be a major health concern since they carry many germs and bacteria into the home.

3. Occasionally, tenants may have issues with wasps' nests. In this case, there is not a lot a landlord can or will do for this problem. You want to either try to spray the nest with a wasp killer spray or you just have to make sure any holes that lead into your rental property are closed off. Wasps normally make nests by a window or on the ceiling or very top of a building. The good news is, wasps are not nearly as germ ridden as mice and cockroaches so as long as you have a good wasp killing spray, you should be OK.

If you live in a rental property you should not be afraid to ask your landlord or your maintenance crew for assistance with any critter or pest issues. Most states have laws in place to protect tenants against landlords who do not take good care of their property. It always best to communicate any pest control issues with the maintenance workers and the landlord as clearly and as efficiently as possible. Of course, you should always try to do your part to keep pests away by keeping with cleaning and paying attention to any holes that may allow unwanted guests into the home.

Connor R. Sullivan read recently of a Northern Kentucky termite problem which is causing damage to area homes. He had heard that certain neighborhoods had a Cincinnati termite problem.

Three Businesses That Do Well In A Recession

So they say you can't make money in this economy. I'm going to give you three businesses that do well in a recession. These are cutting edge 21st century business models that you may or may not have heard of. Yes, they aren't for everyone, but one of them might just be for you.

Turn on your TV any day of the week and you're going to hear it, doom and gloom, recession, depression, it's everywhere. A week doesn't go buy without some sort of bad news about the economy.

Here's the way I see it. Yes, I know people are suffering, many are losing jobs right and left, people are losing their homes and my heart goes out to them. It is the result of irresponsible lending, irresponsible borrowing, and an inflated money system that should have been repaired a long time ago. But, what I see happening is that the old way is dying out and a new economy is being born.

I believe that what we are witnessing is the greatest wealth transfer that this planet has ever witnessed. It is what author and economist Paul Zane Pilzer calls, the democratization of wealth. For those that see the writing on the wall there is MASSIVE opportunity all around us, you just have to know where to look.

Here are three of the biggest business opportunities in the area of technology and the internet for the 21st century

Information sells, and right now on the internet it sells very well. The selling of information products online has become a billion dollar industry. People will buy valuable knowledge and you can package that knowledge very inexpensively.

It will cost you basically nothing to create an E book in PDF format. You can pay a graphic designer to create a slick book cover and you're ready to rock. With all of the kindle devices as well as the iPad, millions of people are turning to this format.

If you're not ready to create your own product yet, that's OK, you can sell someone else's product as an affiliate. There are tons of affiliate programs out there to choose from.

Many speakers, consultants, and business coaches in the offline world are now taking their business online and making a killing. Many of them are making $1-$3k per sale online. If you have value to bring to the market place people will buy. Information and knowledge sells online when you've got the goods and know how to brand yourself.

The third and most powerful business model has skyrocketed over the last few years online. This revolutionary business model has taken absolute beginners to millionaire status within their first 12-24 months online.

This opportunity is a wise decision for the person who is hungry and wants to get results on the fast track. We call it G.P.T. or get paid today because of the high ticket commissions you can generate.

There are several companies right now in the areas of travel, personal development, and financial education that will gladly pay you anywhere from $3k-$15k PER SALE for your efforts online.

The cool thing about all three of these business models is that they have systems in place that will do the prospecting, selling, and training of you potential business partners on complete auto-pilot.

One more piece of advice before we close. If you want to succeed you have to position yourself AND your business directly in front of them. Remember, your ability to make fast decisions, recognize businesses that do well in a recession, and take ACTION is your biggest asset in the new economy

Johnny Wall is a home based business builder, Internet marketer, and trainer with a passion for showing others how to create real and lasting freedom for themselves through entrepreneurship and a practical approach toward personal growth. Johnny works with a group of inspired entrepreneurs who are committed to contributing to the new economy and to empower as many as possible to achieve personal and financial success in their lives.

4 Basic Steps to a Bountiful Grape Harvest

If you've always had a hidden desire to learn how to grow grape vines, and produce juicy grapes for eating, juice or wine making, you'll be pleased to know that you really can do it! It is not an exclusive field, reserved only for large commercial companies or wineries. The methods they use can be put to use in your own vineyard, where you will reap the rewards of all your time and effort.

Start at Ground Level

Your first task is to locate a piece of property that is suitable for growing grapes. Whether you are looking at a small area in your backyard, or several acres, the same principles will apply. Grapes are pretty adaptable, and can tolerate a lot of types of soil. But you do need to be sure the soil is acceptable before you start, and a sample soil test will answer the questions for you. Use the experts in the field to help analyze the results and lay out a course of amendment if necessary. In addition to the nutrient content of the soil, you have to consider drainage. Grapes will not do well in ground that does not drain, which is why you see so many vineyards planted on slopes. Next, determine the availability of sunshine and wind, and use this knowledge to plan your vineyard layout. Your grapes love sunlight, and detest wind, so position your rows to accommodate these needs.

Building Up

When you have prepared the soil for the grapes, provide sturdy support for them with a trellis system. Your grape plants can not hold up with the weight of the fruit, so you must give them the means to sustain that load. At this time, you will need to factor in your method of watering, whether it is overhead or drip. In addition, your vineyard will need a cover crop to protect the ground from erosion, and also to help with the weed control of your land.

Go Shopping

When you are ready to introduce grape plants to your vineyard, begin by doing some research and learning which varieties will do best in your area. Because it will take 3 years before your vines produce grapes, you certainly don't want to spend all that time on a type of grape vine that does not do well where you live. There are a lot of different types, so ask local growers, nursery staff or vintners for suggestions.

Time to get Down and Dirty

Taking care of your vineyard is a lot of work, mostly involving pest control and pruning. Maintaining the vines, trellises and equipment is also important. Stay on top of the management issues to avoid major losses. If you follow a step by step program, you will see the positive results. You will find that learning how to grow grape stock is very fullfilling and rewarding, especially when harvest time rolls around, and you can share your bounty with family and friends!

John Bello has enjoyed growing grapes in California for many years. Learn more about how to grow grape, visit

Tips For Pest Control

The first thing most Americans do when they have some kind of unwanted animal visitor in their home is to call an exterminator. Now, exterminators are great once you have a problem but you might want to consider things you can do to avoid having to call the exterminator. A Northern Kentucky pest control employee and a Cincinnati pest control employee both agreed that there are various preventative measures homeowners and renters can take to avoid making that panicked phone call to the exterminator. Below is a list of some tips and tricks to keep unwanted visitors away from your home or apartment:

1. Keep a good supply of sprays available. You can easily get sprays for most kinds of bugs. It is a good idea to spray the outside and a few key areas inside your home before bugs start to arrive. Most people start spraying in the spring when the weather starts to be consistently warm. This way, things like wasps do not even start building their nests around your home because of the spray. Usually with sprays, it is something you have to continuously do about once a week or so.

2. Another good idea is to keep traps around just in case a critter does get into your home you are ready for it especially during the fall and winter months when these critters want a warm home and food. This is usually only a measure to be used when you know for sure there is a mouse or chipmunk who takes up residence in your home.

3. People sometimes underestimate the power of a clean house. Now, with mice, even the cleanest house would not stop a mouse, but a clean house will stop bugs. Most bugs come into the home because of crumbs of food that are left on the floor or countertop. Flies like sugar, so a sticky counter will get them to come.

4. If you are really concerned about bugs and critters and if you love pets then getting a cat or a dog will help control any unwanted guests. Cats hunt mice and chipmunks, whereas dogs tend to keep them away just because of their size and they are seen by mice as predators, even though dogs do not necessarily hunt them as cats do.

5. Finally, mice hate the smell of peppermint, so if you are worried about that keep peppermint-scented items around the house. There are numerous products such as soaps, sprays, candles, etc. on the market that contain a peppermint scent especially around Christmas time. Peppermint sprays can almost always be found in the winter so get some home spray to keep the mice out during the winter months as this is when it tends to be a major problem.

Of course, if you find you have a serious bug or mouse issue, it is always best to call a professional such as an exterminator. Hopefully, by using a few of these trips the calls to the exterminator will be less frequent.

Connor R. Sullivan read recently of a Northern Kentucky pest control problem which is causing damage to area homes. He heard that certain neighborhoods had a Cincinnati pest control problem.

5 Check Points to View on Your Fine Before You Pay

There has been many reports and news related stories on the current system used to sent out traffic fines in South Africa.

Top 5 check points to consider before paying your fines online at Payfine.

1. The fine might be invalid due to the date it was sent from the original offence date.
2. The traffic fine might not have a clear photo of your vehicle
3. Often the notice of infringement letter has the Target hairs used to identify the vehicle in the wrong place on the vehicle.
4. There are terrible discrepancies where the fine reports trapping east, when clearly on the photo it is pointing West.
5. The required imprinted data that must me on the photo is often missing, or never recorded.

All the points above are just some of the hundreds of reasons why Payfine traffic offences are should be considered before you pay. Your traffic fine may be invalid and should never have been registered on the Payfine or Viewfine website

If you find any discrepancies on your fine, you should first approach AARTO and ask that your fine be reviewed. The Payfine agency is privately owned and does not make any decisions on the authenticy of the fines issued. If your Traffic fine does not show on their website, when you login, it is usually due to mishandled or missing digital files between AARTO and the Payfine agency.

With the new agency AARTO rolling out in full force in 2011, the new Demerit Point System will come into effect. Drivers will lose their drivers license if they gain more than 12 points in a year.

It is important to check every fine before you pay online on payfine for outstanding speeding fines, they could be invalid.

Learn how to check your Payfine traffic fines. Get them cancelled legally.

Visit for more information on Traffic Fine laws.

Article Source:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Charting Your BBT in Order To Get Pregnant

With the number of babies being born every year and the population of the world steadily increasing, it's a somewhat startling to learn that a woman only has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant during each monthly menstrual cycle. Because of this, there are many women that may find it difficult to conceive after they've made the decision to have a baby, which is why it's beneficial to chart your basal body temperature (BBT) in order to track ovulation and determine when your chances of conception are at their highest. This article explains the theory behind tracking your BBT and how to get started doing it.

What You Need

There are specially designed thermometers called (not surprisingly) BBT thermometers that are intended specifically for women seeking to chart their BBT. They are inexpensive (a suitable thermometer runs about $15) and available almost anywhere -- online, at a local Wally World, or any typical drugstore, to name just a few places. In addition to the BBT thermometer you'll need a chart on which to track the measurements you make. There are many websites that over an online charting service, or a printable chart available for free. You can also find them in some books on pregnancy or simply back your own with graph paper or a spreadsheet.

How it Works

The theory behind BBT charting is this: a woman's temperature is more or less consistent throughout the month until she ovulates, at which point it will go up slightly (usually only half a degree or so, but it's significant enough to notice it when you're taking your temperature every day.) Pregnancy is believed more likely to occur in the three to five days preceding ovulation, and once you track your BBT for several months you'll be able to predict when this is going to occur.

Tips for BBT Charting

The most important part of this method is consistency. You must take your temperature every morning at the same time, before you do anything. This means before you go to the bathroom, before you get out of bed, or do anything else. You must take your temperature internally, meaning either orally, rectally or vaginally -- the choice is yours, just do it the same way every time. Remember, the thermometer you use must be sensitive to the tenth of a degree so you can actually detect the increase. It's also helpful to keep a pad of paper and a pen by your bed to write down your measurement immediately so you can add it to your chart at your own convenience.

Battle Strikers Tournament Set - Christmas Gifts For Boys 2010

The battle strikers tournament set was new for 2009 from Magnext and was a huge hit for Christmas gifts for boys in 2009. Battle Strikers is the next generation of battling tops which puts the power to control in your hands.

First off battle strikers is a 2 player tournament which comes with turbine and mauler strikers, 2 exclusive controllers and turbo launchers, enabling hours of intense combat! The arena can also hold 3 strikers per player for faster impact play! You have to battle with your fingers and both magnetic controllers can be put in both hands so don't worry if you use you're left or right hand!

To play battle strikers tournament set you need to load the turbo launchers with the strikers which can go as fast as 6500 RPM and put your strategic skills to the test. Use your controller to command your top and take down your opponent. To get the tops spinning, you stick the top to the launcher, pull the trigger, and rev it up. Then you hit the top of the launcher with your other hand to pop the top down into the arena, you just point towards the striker and he does various movements like jump or bend while in battle. Or just attack the opponent. Similar toys do not offer this kind of magnetic control while in battle.

  • Battle Strikers are the next generation of battling tops
  • Tournament set allows two people to play
  • Rev your Turbo Launcher to maximum RPM, launch your Striker and engage your opponent
  • Use the Controller to command your top into battle
  • Requires 6 x AA batteries (not usually included)
  • For children aged 6 years and older
  • Perfect as christmas gifts for boys

As mentioned before the Strikers can go as fast as 6500rpm, have hard protruding edges and they can even hop out of the arena so please do be careful when playing! To be honest if you have carpet i would recommend you play it on their to help absorb some of the shock. There are many ways children will play the battle strikers tournament set which will encourage their imagination and creativity mind.

In 2009 battle tournament set was one of the hottest toys to buy and 2010 is to see them be popular again with boys aged 6 -12 and were price at around 20 pounds. Just a little tip: The green spinning top seems to win a lot so maybe choose that the next time you play battle strikers tournament set.

Reasons for Buying battle tournament set:

1 - Its fun and exciting
2 - encourages healthy competition, and develops skills such as strategy
3 - There are never ending ways you can play this game

Friday, September 24, 2010

Maintaining The Winning Attitude

Over the past few weeks I found that even the best of us can get caught up and dragged down needlessly.

Time to heed my own advice!

So with that in mind, I have a few techniques that I have had to remind myself about when work goes into overload and I found I had no time for anything else.

#1 Positive, Positive, POSITIVE!

Make sure that you keep a positive attitude and response to every little thing in life.

Over the last couple of weeks, when someone asked me how I was going, I would answer with less than enthusiastic replies. 'Hanging in there.', 'Flat Out'... all carry negative connotations.

Time to modify those replies with phrases like 'Awesome', 'Great' etc...

#2 Create The Proper Start To The Day

Ensure that one of the first things you do when you wake up is to set the tone for the rest of the day.

Keep a copy of something inspirational with you to read or listen to as soon as you wake up!

That will ensure that you set out on the days adventures with the proper frame of mind.

#3 Kill The Negatives

Stop using words and phrases that impact negatively. Nothing is 'Impossible' or 'Unachievable', learn to trust your inner instincts and reach for the stars!

Remember, at the end of the day, your attitude to what life throws at you is what you will be remembered for, not what was thrown in your path.

#4 Ideas Do Not Equal Success.

This one is a no brainer! How many times have you heard people say that they had an idea that someone else put into motion and millions on?

Ideas are bountiful but useless without the action to back them up.

Do not sit on that wonderful idea for as sure as the sun rises in the morning, someone else is currently working at trying to achieve a successful outcome with the very same idea!

#5 Live For The Moment

Tomorrow never comes. Yesterday is now a memory. Learn that the only time you can make a difference in your life as well as those of others is right now!

Take action now. Do that task now. Tell someone you love them now.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never arrive. Do not have regrets on what you could - or should - have done.

#6 Start Now

There is never a perfect time to start anything. Listening to the 'professionals' in any industry would mean that none of us would ever take the plunge and start to get things done.

Start now, last week was better, the week before even more so. Those periods in your life have gone now. The best time to get started is NOW!

Get out there, live life, enjoy life, make a difference!

Elite Business Solutions Frank Perez has successfully combined all the skills of a designer, programmer, and marketer to continuously and consistently deliver business solutions entailing everything from marketing to software. He is highly regarded and sought after for his professionalism and integrity.

Frank runs an elite business marketing and software design firm based out of Melbourne, Australia. Frank is available for guest blogging, article writing, speaking events and software projects.

Cleaning Your PC for Enhanced Performance

Getting your PC to run like it did on the first day again after years or even decades of using it can be difficult to do, since computers always slow down and get messier over time, and that is caused by the high number of different program setups you perform each year, relocation or deletion of a high number of data, and of course the high numbers of different applications running all day long also contribute to chaotic circumstances on your hard disk over time. These processes are simple to run, and over the years there always are a few remainders, data trash which is the consequence of badly cleaned up software on your PC, tiny system file changes which are not reversed after the software process terminated, and these can pile up to make your PC really slow or more vulnerable to security problems such as viruses.

Cleaning your PC and finding a fix for every software problem on the way is therefore an important and really essential thing to do to maintain your PC performance the way it was when you got it;once you do a thorough cleaning of your PC you'll see how enormously such maintenance can impact its speed of operation. Diverse reorganizational software programs are offered as HTTP download or to buy on DVD, but in most cases they only fix one aspect of the year long problems which piled up on your HD, and that's what's causing your computer system to not show any sensible accelerations over what you're used to in speed and performance. A real remodeling of your computer is invariably dependent on different expertise and every possible method of accelerating your PC, attacking the software problems from every possible aspects and fixing them along the way, and regularly.

Cleaning your PC once every year still leaves room for a lot of problems to happen along the way, and the best way to have your PC work smoothly as it should all the time is to take advantage of an integrated software solution which takes care of these steps for you regularly. Not many of the software applications give you the complete set of the necessary tools to clean and reorganize, and of those that do, most do not have the ease of use that is needed by the average user of such software. If you're still on the fence trying to figure out how difficult using such software can be, and to use it in a useful way, have a look at reviews of such software on the web or check out my site on different methods of reorganizing your computer, and which software is the best to fix reg and solve every other problems in your operating system.

Licensed Home Health Care Tips

We all hit certain milestones in our driving our first car, going to college, getting married, buying a home, having children and then eventually caring for aging parents. That last one is the part of life that no one wants to think about but it eventually arrives for most of us: the day when life has come full circle and our parents now need round the clock care as they did when they were infants. Fortunately for seniors, in the twenty-first century home health care products and services have evolved to a point where there are ample options to choose from when deciding how to care for our aging or ailing loved ones.

You should look for an experienced company that will be able to provide comprehensive home health care services for elderly loved ones. Look for features such as a care plan written by a registered nurse, preparation of meals based on client needs, facilitating a safe environment, assistance in moving around such as from bed to chair, reinforcement of medication schedules and assistance with personal hygiene. These are all tasks that would be a full-time job for a family member.

A reputable, state licensed home care agency employs all of its personnel and caregivers, which mean employees go through rigorous background checks, are insured and bonded by the agency as well as supervised by a state licensed registered nurse.

Individuals trying to hire a private caregiver will not have access to the resources necessary to establish client safeguards and as a result could end up putting their loved one in harm's way. Paying a private caregiver and dealing with aspects of insurance and employment such as withholding state and federal income taxes is not something that the average person is familiar. In fact, it is downright complicated and time-consuming with plenty of pitfalls, the worst of which is an IRS audit of your financial records. Nobody wants that.

Home health care agencies provide all the services and care you will need for the aging loved one in your life. A good agency goes to great lengths to ensure its caregivers are supremely qualified and handpicked to care for your loved ones on a daily basis or as much as you need. They provide a variety of services such as meal planning and preparation, health and hygiene, homemaking duties such as laundry and light cleaning, and caregivers can be shuttled right to your home in most instances. They even provide socialization and companionship.


How Geriatric Care Management Can Benefit the Elderly and Their Families

A geriatric case manager is a healthcare professional whose knowledge and resources for providing care for the elderly is invaluable to the family of a senior citizen. Since many relatives live far away and long-distance elder care is difficult to provide to their loved one in need, finding a qualified case manager to provided needed elder care relieves family stress and guilt caused by geographical distance and inaccessibility.

Geriatric care management, however, does not relieve the family of its responsibilities. After assessing the client's needs and discussing any medical and non-medical concerns with the family, this professional can draw up a comprehensive healthcare plan for the patient; act as an advocate, arranging and attending care services on behalf of all parties; and provide other healthcare options that the client and/or family may not have realized are available.

A geriatric case manager is an objective third party who can accurately assess what an elder person needs and what problems or challenges may not be readily apparent to the family. Additionally, having a geriatric care management program in place allows family members to enjoy their elderly loved one without guilt, shame, or feelings of powerlessness that often overwhelm them without such help.

Perhaps the most valuable input provided by this type of healthcare professional is monitoring the patient and communicating findings back to the family. It is ultimately the responsibility of the family to implement any care plan recommended by the geriatric case manager. When a family member is living far away, having a professional providing the "eyes and ears" for care of a loved one is priceless.

The field of caring for the elderly is burgeoning as record numbers of people are joining the ranks of senior citizen status. The cost of a geriatric case manager ranges anywhere from $80-200 an hour, but when one considers other alternatives, such as having to take vacation or unpaid leave from work plus traveling long distances for a wellness check, or hiring in-home healthcare aides, geriatric care management is a viable solution to a daunting problem facing more families every day.